When I started quilting in 1991 it was my favorite pass time. I worked with traditional patterns and designs. For several years I enjoyed teaching the traditional art of Quilting in the Italian and German speaking parts of Switzerland.
With time and my increasing curiosity, I discovered the infinite world of different techniques and materials. My development as an artist was intensified by participating in various workshops with well known textile artists, studying design, surface design and different techniques of dying.
I am fascinated by the combination of unusual materials and how they work together.
The turning point in my career came when I read an article in a magazine about “the symbiosis of using a rusty base combined with textile art”. Curiosity lead me to participate in a welding workshop by a well known ironwork artist. Now, at home with welding, I create and shape my works of art accordingly. The creative instinct arises from the quietness of my soul.
My passion for the oceans with all their magical beauty inspires me to create textiles with surfaces embracing my rusty metal structures creating a peaceful entity.
“La ricerca delle armonie fra colori e materiali sembra riuscire con disinvoltura a Silvie Umiker, lasciando dimenticare all’osservatore la minuziosa costruzione delle sue opere che infatti hanno, a prima vista, un vero effetto pittorico.
Ogni opera però è un meticoloso ricamo di idee e di forme. Sono pagine pittoriche da sfogliare con l’attenzione delle scoperte. I colori hanno un’inconsueta morbidezza, i materiali la assecondano.
Nella frenetica corsa alle ricerche dell’originalità, così dominanti, Silvie Umiker al contrario sembra seguire l’andatura delle melodie più rasserenanti. Senza stridori, neanche nei contrasti. Se il suo intento è quello di “chiudere cerchi” fra creatore e osservatore, ci riesce con grazia originale.”
Salvatore Maria Fares
2011 | “PROFUMO DI MARE” at Kredietbank Ltd., Lugano (CH) |
2010 | Banca Intermobiliare, Torino and Milano (I) |
2009 | “SOLSTIZIO” at Banca Intermobiliare Suisse, Lugano (CH) |
2008 | “CONTRASTI” at Banca Coop, Lugano (CH) with Bea Bernasconi, Marlis Egger and Nina Novicov |
2007 | Exhibition at Banca Coop, Lugano (CH) and at 1. Patchworkmeeting, Prague (CZ) with Comitato QuiltArtLugano |
2006 | Exhibition of the Swiss Patchwork Association, Schaffhausen (CH) |
2005 | Exhibition “RETROSPETTIVA”, Cadro (CH) |
2004 | Organization and partecipation of the exhibition at Ospedale Civico, Lugano (CH) |
2003 | Exhibition “BLUMEN – BLÄTTER – BÄUME”, Rafz (CH) |